Czechia will purchase all the equipment and ship it directly to Ukraine. Czech and Greek officials are negotiating prices for the systems, as a bilateral agreement will be signed later.
Greece has informed EU officials in charge of coordinating aid to Ukraine that it may supply the allying forces with this aid this year.
Artillery systems come from the Greek army, but have long been considered unnecessary for its operational needs.
They are considered useful in Ukraine's confrontations on muddy terrain. This is the second batch of M114s to be sold by Greece to the Czech Republic for transfer to Ukraine.
Defense Minister Nikos Dendias will take part in a meeting of NATO members and other countries providing weapons to Ukraine in Germany next week.
He will reiterate Greece's position that the flow of weapons and ammunition must be maintained to help Ukraine survive the difficult spring.
Greece has already provided anti-aircraft missile systems and sent Soviet-made BMP-1 tracked infantry fighting vehicles in exchange for slightly more modern German-made Marder fighting vehicles.
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