Фото: Коростенська міська рада
This activity helps veterans adapt and restore skills lost due to injuries and wounds.
What is the problem?
Heorhii Pryshchak is founder of the network of computer clubs in Zhytomyr region, who gained a team of five war veterans before the war, with an eSports coach working with them.
But due to certain circumstances, it had to be suspended.
"Together with the Palai NGO, which helps rehabilitate and adapt veterans, we decided to resume this activity. It is important that veterans do not feel different from others. Our goal is for veterans to find new hobbies."
Photo: Korosten city council
What is the solution?
Cybersports competitions are now held regularly in the Zhytomyr region.
One of these tournaments has recently occurred place in Korosten.
Photo: Korosten city council
Pryshchak says he plans to scale up tournaments involving veterans and engage as many people as possible.
The next tournament is planned to be held in Zhytomyr.
Photo: Korosten city council
How does it work?
Heorhii Pryschak said that veterans learn easily and show positive results.
Using a mouse and keyboard helps to develop reaction and motor skills, as many soldiers return from war with injuries.
Photo: Korosten military administration
"We also plan to organize training sessions for veterans in gyms. Such classes help them adapt, communicate with each other, and find like-minded people. Esports has an incredible audience all over the world, and there is an urgent need for professional players."
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