Russian drones attack front-line areas of Sumy and Kharkiv

Several groups of Russian kamikaze drones attacked Ukraine overnight on March 14 through the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions northward. 

Strikes were also recorded over Sumy and Kharkiv, Rubryka reports, citing the Ukrainian Air Force and local authorities.

The first "Shahed" drones entered Ukrainian airspace around 01:00, moving through the southern Mykolaiv region toward the central Kirovohrad region. Later, they continued northward, posing a threat to Poltava.

At 01:25, another group of Russian drones flew through Kherson toward Mykolaiv and further to Kirovohrad. Also, a group of "Shahed" drones moved through Zaporizhzhia towards the Dnipropetrovsk region.

At 02:53, drones turned northward toward Poltava and Kharkiv. A new group of drones flew toward Zaporizhzhia.

At 03:23, the Ukrainian Air Force reported that drones from Poltava and Dnipropetrovsk were moving northward. Some of them were already in Chernihiv and Sumy.

Strikes on Sumy

"The enemy attacked Sumy's civilian infrastructure in four cities: Sumy, Shostka, Trostianets, and Bilopillia. Missile strikes were also carried out on Shostka and Trostianets," said the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

Emergency services are on-site assessing the impact.

Fall of a drone in Kharkiv

At 01:42, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported a downing in an area densely populated with residential buildings:

"Fortunately, there are no casualties. The object itself and nearby residential buildings were partially damaged. All relevant services are on-site."

At 04:36, he clarified that one "Shahed" had been downed:

"It fell in the city center near private houses. Fortunately, no one was hurt."

At 05:10, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, stated that "occupiers are striking Kharkiv." Terekhov also mentioned hearing an explosion in the city.

"The occupiers struck the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv with an S-300 missile. At the moment, there are no casualties. Non-residential civilian premises were damaged. Relevant services are examining the site," Syniehubov added later.

However, Terekhov stated that the second strike occurred in the forest line of Kharkiv near non-residential premises:

"Initially, it was a S-300 missile. Fortunately, there are no casualties or injuries. Some minor damage to several buildings."

Latest Russian attacks 

On March 12, Russian occupiers struck a high-rise building in the central city of Kryvyi Rih.

According to Oleksandr Vilkul, head of the Kryvyi Rih Defense Council, at least three hits were recorded in the city following Russian rocket attacks, including a direct hit on a nine-story building and the roof of a five-story building in the Metallurgical district of Kryvyi Rih.

Three fatalities have been confirmed. Over 40 people were injured, including ten children.

Moreover, on the night of March 13, Russian invaders attacked the city of Sumy with Shahed kamikaze drones, with a recorded strike on a multi-story residential building. There were casualties, and rescuers managed to extract ten people from the rubble.

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