The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated this.
It's been recognized that the aggressor has blatantly disregarded and continues to disregard its obligations despite having previously acknowledged the current borders of Ukraine through legal means and with clear documentation at both bilateral and multilateral levels.
"The russian government, caught in a lie hundreds of times and compromised, can continue its propaganda, including under the guise of lawmaking, as long as it wants, but this will not change the reality recognized by the international community: Crimea is Ukraine," the message reads.
The mentioned State Duma draft law only once again confirms that this fact and the inevitability of de-occupation are clearly understood in Moscow, which is why such panic initiatives arise.
For reference:
On March 11, the State Duma of the Russian Federation submitted a draft law invalidating the decision "to transfer the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR" in 1954.
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