30 mln tons of cargo passed through Ukrainian Black Sea ports

Ukraine's Black Sea ports saw 1,005 ships depart from their ports, delivering cargo to global markets, including grain, says US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink.

The foreign vessels exported almost 30 million tons of cargo, including grain, to different countries of the world.

On March 3, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine would continue to develop the humanitarian program Grain from Ukraine.

It involves the purchase of Ukrainian grain by allies and its transfer to countries affected by the humanitarian crisis.

The program is implemented in partnership with the World Food Program under the auspices of the United Nations.

Last August, Ukraine announced a "humanitarian corridor" to free up ships bound for African and Asian markets and to circumvent a de facto blockade by Russia after Moscow reneged on a deal that guaranteed its exports during the war.

The Ukrainian Navy has announced the opening of a temporary corridor that can be used by all civilian vessels, including those in Odesa ports.

At the beginning of 2024, Ukraine exported more than 20 million tons of cargo from Odesa ports to 32 countries in 6 months of the temporary grain corridor.

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