🇱🇺 Luxembourg is joining the Czech Republic's initiative to buy 800,000 artillery ammunition for Ukraine, enabling them to raise funds for 300,000 artillery shells.
💊 50,000 first-aid kits arrived from Germany for Ukraine's armed forces. In total, 500,000 should be transferred. Soon, the first-aid kits will be handed over to the troops.
🖼 Ukrainian artists play their paintings for donations. With the collected funds, they plan to purchase six boats for the challenging evacuation of wounded soldiers from the left bank of the Dnipro River.
🇫🇷 France will support and encourage its arms companies to manufacture military equipment and ammunition in Ukraine, including Delair and Nexter-KNDS.
🌼 Ukrainian jewelry brand Guzema Fine Jewelry presented KVITKA charity jewelry. The money from the sale will go to an educational program for military and women veterans.
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