Ukraine investigates 45 cases of executed war prisoners

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukrainian law enforcement officers have documented and are investigating 45 cases of war prisoners' executions.

As reported by the general prosecutor's office, cases of killing by Russian soldiers have been recorded since the beginning of the large-scale war. However, the number of such cases has increased especially since November last year.

A spokesperson for the office added that the executions of war prisoners are a violation of the Geneva Convention and a grave international crime.

Under the procedural guidance of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Prosecutor's Office, a Russian army serviceman who shot a Ukrainian prisoner was notified of suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.

Photo: Ukraine's Security Service

"The Ukrainian defender laid down his weapon, came out of the dugout and raised his hands in the air, thus confirming his intention to surrender. However, instead of being captured, he received a gunshot wound incompatible with life."

The suspect is Dmytro Kurashov, a repeatedly convicted shooter with the Storm-V assault unit of the 127th Motorized Rifle Division.

After the execution, Ukrainian forces counterattacked the enemy troops and captured Kurashov and his comrades.

Ukraine's OSINT-based DeepState project claims that Russian forces shot all six captured Ukrainian soldiers in Avdiivka. The soldiers in the video posted by the Russians were recognized by their comrades.

On February 18, Russian servicemen shot two Ukrainian prisoners of war in the south-eastern area of the front.

On February 20, a video of the execution of three captured Ukrainian soldiers near the village of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia region, was posted online.

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