Фото: Скріншот з відео
EU and its member states have mobilized more than €28 billion in military aid for Ukraine, both lethal and non-lethal.
The bloc "will continue to meet Ukraine's urgent military and defense needs, including the supply of urgently needed ammunition and missiles.".
"Our commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering. The EU and its member states are united and steadfast in their strong support, be it political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military or diplomatic."
The EU reiterated that Russia must immediately end its war against Ukraine and "fully and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory within its internationally recognized borders."
A coalition of allies, which currently includes 34 states, is involved in organizing training activities for the Ukrainian forces.
Since the beginning of the large-scale war, these countries have trained about 170 headquarters and units of various levels of newly created brigades.
France alone has trained nearly ten thousand Ukrainian military personnel.
30,000 members of the Ukrainian forces who have been trained in the UK have also been provided with the necessary equipment for the front line.
Australian instructors also helped the Ukrainian military practice proactive actions while passing a psychological strip in the middle of dense forests.
Under the guidance of Danish instructors, Ukrainian servicemen are being trained in positional warfare: they are practicing actions to prepare, seize and hold a position.
As of November 21, 2023, more than 100,000 servicemen have completed intensive training in the training centers of more than 30 partner countries.
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