
Solutions from Ukraine: AI brings to life Taras Shevchenko’s masterpieces in National Children’s Library

On the 210th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birthday, the celebrated Ukrainian poet and artist, the National Children's Library, used digital technologies to bring his works to life.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reports this.

What is the problem?

On March 9 this year, Ukraine celebrates the 210th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet, artist, and public figure Taras Shevchenko.

"Right now, during the war for our values and identity, it is important to properly honor the memory of Taras Shevchenko, the national symbol of Ukraine. After all, it is precisely for our culture and history and a free future that all Ukrainians fight so selflessly. The poet always inspired us to win. His words "Keep fighting—you are sure to win! God helps you in your fight!" are engraved in the heart of every patriot," said the Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Rostyslav Karandeev.

What is the solution?

By the anniversary date, specialists of the National Children's Library of Ukraine, with the help of artificial intelligence, brought to life Taras Shevchenko's collection of poems "Water flows from under a sycamore tree" from 1939, an edition with illustrations by Ukrainian artist Liubov Dzholos.

"With the help of digital technologies, the National Children's Library of Ukraine gives new life to undeservedly forgotten books, each of which is a part of our glorious culture. Ukraine's original heritage includes many exceptional and unique works, a large part of which is kept in the fund of the department of Rare and Valuable Publications Library", according to the library's website.

How does it work?

Three animated editions of Taras Shevchenko's works and other resources of the "Books Come Alive" project can be found on the library's website.

У лютому уряд затвердив план заходів з відзначення ювілейної

For reference:

In February, the government approved a plan of events to mark the jubilee anniversary of Shevchenko's birthday at the state level. The program includes several cultural, artistic, and informational events both in Ukraine and abroad.

As previously reported by Rubryka, the Taras Shevchenko National Museum and Ravatar presented the official Instagram page of the virtual Taras Shevchenko, created with the help of artificial intelligence. This social project is dedicated to the popularization of diverse Ukrainian art.

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