He said Ukraine "urgently" needs a large amount of artillery ammunition to withstand Russia's war.
Norway also joins the coalition in support of Ukraine's air defense.
"It is only natural for Norway to be part of such an air defense coalition. Norwegian air defenses contribute to saving lives of Ukrainians and protecting critical infrastructure every day."
Western countries have formed several coalitions to provide military support to Ukraine this winter.
Norway participates in the Maritime Coalition, which it leads together with the United Kingdom, the F-16 fighter jet coalition, and the Air Defense Coalition, led by Germany and France.
"We said we would support (Ukraine – ed.) where it is most needed. Air defense is one of Ukraine's priorities. It is absolutely necessary to protect military units, cities and critical infrastructure."
Western countries have allocated almost all of the funds needed to purchase hundreds of thousands of artillery shells that the Czechia found to hand over to Ukraine.
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