In their newest report, the UK intelligence states that Russian forces continue to take active steps to expand their control of the Donetsk region.
"Russian forces continue attacks to expand control around the town of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, which Russia seized in May 2023. Its forces advanced to occupy the eastern parts of the village of Ivanivske and attacked Ukrainian positions in Bohdanivka."
Military experts believe it is unlikely that Russian troops are currently ready for a full-scale assault on the city.
"Despite some gradual tactical advances, it is highly unlikely that Russian forces are currently capable of attempting a full-scale assault on the city."
Heavy fighting is taking place in the village of Ivanivske near Bakhmut. Ukrainian military are resisting and trying to drive the enemy back from the occupied lines.
The AFU Commander Oleksandr Pavliuk said that Ukraine will stabilize the front line and begin preparing for counteroffensive actions to seize the initiative.
The total losses of Russian troops since the beginning of the full-scale war have already amounted to more than 421,430 soldiers.
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