Ukrainian resistance reports sightings of new Russian military equipment near Mariupol

The movement of Russian military equipment and increased activity of Russian forces have been recorded near Mariupol, the eastern Donetsk region, Rubryka reports, citing the advisor to Mariupol mayor, Petro Andriushchenko.

"We are observing a significant movement of equipment in the evening hours. The main direction is Rozivka. Engineering units, fuel tankers, and tanks (at least five on mounts) are involved. We continue monitoring. We can preliminarily speak of a certain activation throughout the district," Andriushchenko said.

The official said trucks with live forces, marked with two triangles, are moving from Berdiansk to Novoazovsk. According to the "Ateş" movement report, these are Russian security (FSB) units.

Recently, a new location of Russian air defense and EW (electronic warfare) units was identified in the occupied city of Mariupol.

"The occupiers relocated most of the air defense systems (including EW equipment) from the territory of the metallurgical plant (Ilyich Iron and Azovtal Steel Works – ed.) to storage. The 'Mariupol Resistance' established that the new storage location is on the territory of the former fish cannery," Andriushchenko said.

He pointed out that facts of movements to combat positions were recorded in the area of the railway crossing in the "Havany" area.

Situation in occupied Mariupol

Earlier, Russia deployed around 5,000 new reserves to the occupied Mariupol and the surrounding area. Their main difference from regular troops is the two guns on their chevrons. Mariupol's mayor advisor, Petro Andriushchenko, noted that the last similar introduction of new reserves in Mariupol was recorded in April 2023.

Andriushchenko also reported that Russian occupiers started building a direct railway connection with the occupied Mariupol, Volnovakha, and Donetsk: a bridge is already being built over the Kalmius River.

Russian occupiers are pulling "Dragon's teeth" from the occupied Mariupol to the Berdiansk direction.

Also, it was reported that, presumably, Russian occupiers are experiencing a shortage of live forces on the front line, so they are pulling trucks with military personnel from the occupied Mariupol. 

In January this year, military activity sharply increased in the occupied Mariupol. The Russian army continues to transfer tracked vehicles and trucks with ammunition from the Bakhmut Corridor toward Volnovakha and Vuhledar.

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