After his meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Kharkiv, Zelensky said he had heard information from the military on the current situation in the region and challenges related to the proximity to Russia's border.
The president said that allies are well aware of what Ukraine needs to remain powerful on the frontline.
"We can talk for a very long time about how to shoot down the S-300. We understand what is missing. And besides the fact that it is very difficult, the risks are very high when you have up to a minute and a Russian missile hits a civilian target. We need comprehensive protection here."
It is necessary not only to strengthen air defense for Kharkiv and the entire region, but also to push Russian troops further away from the cities, Zelensky adds.
"Otherwise, it will be very difficult to fully defend Kharkiv, even if we reinforce it with appropriate modern air defense systems. We are looking for opportunities to strengthen the air defense of Kharkiv in any case. This is our task today."
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