Company news 19:23 29 Feb 2024

BGV Charity Fund delivers humanitarian aid to Ukrainian infants in Zhytomyr and Mykolaiv

Perinatal centers in Zhytomyr and Mykolaiv received baby formula.

The BGV Charity Fund's team delivered a batch of humanitarian aid – 450 milk formulas — provided by a baby product manufacturer. The recipients were Mykolaiv Maternity Hospital No. 3, located 70 kilometers from the front line, and Zhytomyr Regional Perinatal Center, which serves many internally displaced persons.

According to doctors, Ukraine has seen a trend of decreasing frequency and duration of breastfeeding in recent decades. Hypogalactia — no breast milk — in mothers after childbirth in some areas ranges from 30% to 70%.

During the war, the percentage of such mothers likely increased due to constant stress, lack of sleep, and increased anxiety, especially in areas close to the front line. In such cases, infant milk formulas become the only and indispensable option for feeding the baby.

Supporting young Ukrainians is one of the priorities of the BGV Charity Fund.

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