22:22 29 Feb 2024

Over 270 Ukrainians killed by mines, explosives during full-scale war – State Emergency Service

Фото: DRC

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 270 people have been killed by mines and explosive devices, the Media Center Ukraine reports.

14 children, have been killed by mines and explosive devices since the beginning of full-scale Russian aggression.

According to Serhii Reva, head of the Humanitarian Demining Department, more than 600 people were injured.

Rescuets pay special attention to educating the public about the risks of explosive devices.

"Since the beginning of the full-scale war, we have already held more than 33,000 events, which reached almost 1.1 million people. The priority remains to inform children about safety rules in case of detection of explosive devices."

A group of teenagers aged 14 to 17 exploded on an enemy mine in Izium. The children received minor shrapnel wounds to various parts of their bodies.

In May, five civilians were killed in Kherson region by explosives left by Russian troops.

Sappers of The HALO Trust, an organization engaged in humanitarian demining in the Kherson region, hit a mine.

The UN has confirmed the deaths of 10,582 Ukrainian civilians since the beginning of the full-scale war. 19,875 people have been injured. The total number of losses among the civilian population of Ukraine is 30,457.

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