15:30 28 Feb 2024

Solutions from Ukraine: Zhytomyr hospital launches revolutionary brain research with artificial intelligence

Photo: open sources

Research on the brain utilizing artificial intelligence is commencing in the Zhytomyr region.

Rubryka writes about it.

What is the problem?

Thanks to the prompt diagnosis of illnesses or brain damage, not only the patient's well-being but also their life is at stake.

The precision of data analysis and the promptness of receiving diagnostic results enable doctors to obtain a "second opinion" and avoid medical mistakes.

What is the solution?

It is worth mentioning that the government has implemented the Strategy for developing telemedicine in Ukraine. This document will enhance the quality standards of healthcare delivery through telemedicine.

So, AI started being utilized in diagnostic studies at Zhytomyr Regional Clinical Hospital.

This is already the fifth medical institution in Ukraine to adopt the BrainScan telemedicine solution, received as humanitarian aid.

How does it work?

BrainScan is a cloud solution based on artificial intelligence that maps lesions and pathologies of the human brain.

Assistive technology for physicians obtains an alternative response to prevent possible medical errors and accelerates diagnosis when time is a critical factor in a person's life.

How to pass the research?

  1. Brainscan integrates with the storage systems of radiological studies in the medical institution.
  2. After the computer tomography, artificial intelligence automatically analyzes the image.
  3. The algorithms identify specific pathological changes and indicate their location in the patient's brain.
  4. The doctor receives a comprehensive report from BrainScan through infographics, heat maps, and structured text.
  5. Within a few minutes of viewing the image, the doctor can decide on the patient's diagnosis and treatment based on the results provided.

Over 600 brain diagnoses have been successfully conducted through the implementation of BrainScan.

For reference:

It should be noted that Odesa became the first city in Ukraine where the pilot project on telemedicine, BrainScan, was implemented. Also, such a device was already used in Rozdilna and near-frontline Kramatorsk.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine implements the project with the support of the USAID project "Sustainable Development of the National Health Care System in Ukraine" (LHSS).

In addition, a sleep laboratory for children has been established at Okhmatdyt Hospital in the capital, offering unparalleled capabilities for detecting and treating sleep disorders and respiratory issues while children are in a state of natural sleep.

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