Company news 16:30 26 Feb 2024

Close to 9,000 packages of eco-diapers are on their way to babies

In just two weeks, the BGV Charity Fund accepted a record number of applications from moms and dads of newborns and toddlers.

The BGV fund's website received about 38,000 parent applications as part of a joint project with German partners dm-drogerie markt and #WeAreAllUkrainians, called "Eco-Conscious from the Cradle," which started on February 6, 2024.

The fund's IT specialists and managers worked hard to streamline and speed up the registration of applications amid the record load on the website and verify the registered applications as quickly as possible.

Within two weeks of the project, the BGV Charity Fund's team processed about 9,000 applications, and the permanent logistics partner Nova Poshta sent parcels with eco-diaper sets to 1,634 settlements across Ukraine at its own expense. Most packages went to families with babies in the Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Rivne, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Volyn regions.

To recap, the BGV Charity Fund's new project, "Eco-Conscious from the Cradle," is designed to help Ukrainian families with infants save money during the war and reduce non-decomposable waste polluting the environment. You can find more details about the project at the following link: bgvfund.org

Close to 9,000 packages of eco-diapers are on their way to babies

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