Solutions to win: Chernivsti region deploys mobile firing units to intercept Russian UAVs

Mobile fire groups were deployed in the Chernivtsi region to protect against Russian attack drones.

The head of the Chernivtsi Regional Military Administration, Ruslan Zaparaniuk, reported this.

What is the problem?

On October 31, for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale war, the Russian army struck the Chernivtsi region: the occupiers hit a critical infrastructure object with two missiles.

Although it is located in the most remote region, large-scale Russian air attacks have not escaped this region either.

Already on May 25, 2023, Ukrainian air defense forces shot down an enemy drone over the Chernivtsi region, which reached there as well: a fire broke out as a result of falling debris.

"The war continues. Despite the remoteness of our region from the combat zone, the enemy launches missiles and drones, terrorizing the whole of Ukraine and causing damage to many regions of our country," the head of the region wrote.

He added that during the full-scale war with Russia, Ukrainian air defense forces had to shoot down enemy targets over Bukovyna [including Chernivtsi region – ed.] as well.

What is the solution?

Therefore, to protect against the attack of drones, mobile fire groups were deployed in the region.

How does it work?

The official also published relevant photos on his official pages on social networks.

Photo: Telegram / Ruslan Zaparaniuk / Chernivtsi Regional State Administration

Photo: Telegram / Ruslan Zaparaniuk / Chernivtsi Regional State Administration

According to Zaparaniuk, these are 54 high-speed cars – pickup trucks, which are:

  • provided with the necessary weapons,
  • ready to counter enemy targets around the clock.

Photo: Telegram / Ruslan Zaparaniuk / Chernivtsi Regional State Administration

"I am grateful to everyone who contributed to equipping our defense, in particular to the communities of the region, who provided vehicles for the formation of fire groups," the head of the regional military administration added.

Photo: Telegram / Ruslan Zaparaniuk / Chernivtsi Regional State Administration

For reference:

As the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine commenced, mobile fire groups were formed to rapidly reinforce air defenses, as the enemy shifted from frequent massive missile attacks to constant use of drones.

Their creation was a forced step that the military leadership of Ukraine had to take to protect locally:

  • infrastructure objects,
  • the enemy could potentially attack other state and strategic military facilities.

For the movement of mobile fire groups, they mostly use SUVs, which are equipped with:

  • heavy machine guns,
  • anti-aircraft guns of small caliber.

Such groups are reinforced by operators of portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS).

Mobile, maneuverable fire groups of the Air Defense Forces carry out combat duty near Kyiv and perform tasks in other directions.

This is a great alternative to the high-quality anti-aircraft missiles that the Russian Federation is attempting to destroy to deplete Ukraine's supply of them.

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