12:34 25 Feb 2024

Ukraine to produce 1 million drones per year – digital minister

Photo: from open sources

Ukraine's goal of producing one million FPV drones in 2024, previously announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky, will be exceeded, Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov is convinced.

The entire government team is currently working to achieve this goal, as hundreds of thousands of drones have already been contracted, the minister said at the "Ukraine. Year 2024" forum.

In addition to FPV drones, Ukrainian arms makers will produce more reconnaissance and long-range drones, ground platforms, and electronic warfare systems.

Over 90% of the drones currently being used on the front line in Ukraine are Ukrainian-made, he added.

Drones have been a key tool in Ukraine's defense against Russia's war. On December 19, during a press conference, Volodymyr Zelensky said that one million drones would be produced in Ukraine next year.

In addition to the 1 million FPV drones, more than 10,000 medium-range strike drones and more than 1,000 drones with a range of 1,000 km or more will be produced in 2024.

The Ukrainian drone manufacturing market is actively developing; more than 100 companies manufacture drones in the country.


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