What is the problem?
The Ukrainian army must meet all NATO criteria, so it is leading the course of changes to be fully compatible with its allies.
"Ukraine has chosen its path: to become a member of the Alliance. That is why NATOization is one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine," said Defense Minister Rustem Umerov.
Since start of the full-scale war, 136 NATO standards have been adopted in Ukraine, compared to 151 for the entire period before that.
At the present time, high-quality training of officers for Ukraine's army is one of the priorities to maintain successful defense.
What is the solution?
Deputy Defense Minister Natalia Kalmykova said that Ukraine's military universities should already be training future sergeants and officers in accordance with US standards.
How does it work?
Natalia Kalmykova says "it is very important to change the military culture, because the future of the Ukrainian army depends on it."
"I am convinced that large-scale exercises in Ukraine with the help of US experts will help solve many pressing problems in the Ukrainian army. I am grateful to our American friends for their willingness to cooperate and share their experience and knowledge."
The US-based Sonata company provides Western military expertise, consulting, and material assistance to Ukraine.
This process is taking place in coordination with the Ukrainian Freedom Fund and the General Staff of the Ukrainian forces.
"Also, as part of the pilot project, one of the Ukrainian training centers will introduce assessment tools used in the United States. The purpose of the test will be to identify potential leaders who can later become sergeants."
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