“Free world must not allow the triumph of Putin and Russia” – Duda

On February 24, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda assured that Warsaw's support for Kyiv in countering Russian aggression would remain unchanged.

The Polish leader wrote this on his Twitter (X).

"We supported, we support, and will continue supporting Ukraine in the struggle for freedom! Now, this support is still vitally necessary. Regardless of our "war fatigue." The free world must not allow the triumph of Putin and Russia," Andrzej Duda said.

Along with the statement, he published a video with footage of trips to Ukraine.

In addition, Duda's office reminded about:

  • assistance to Poland in accepting Ukrainians fleeing the war,
  • numerous diplomatic efforts in support of Ukraine,
  • training for specialists of emergency services, doctors, and psychologists, in the coordination of which the First Lady was involved, among others.

On the eve of the anniversary of the full-scale war, the buildings of crucial EU institutions were illuminated with the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

For reference:

In recent weeks, relations between Ukraine and Poland have become more complicated due to the intensification of the protest of Polish farmers, who oppose the planned extension of the EU's preferential trade regime with Ukraine and demand additional restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural imports.

According to a recent video message, Zelensky has instructed the government to be present at Poland's border by February 24 to address the issue of blockades. He also mentioned that he is willing to personally visit the border with the entire Ukrainian government, including officials from various sectors such as logistics and agriculture, specifically the Defense Minister.

He also invited the head of the Polish government, Donald Tusk, to come to the border and the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, to support this dialogue.

The administration of Polish President Andrzej Duda supported Volodymyr Zelensky's idea of meeting to resolve the border issue. However, they believe it is better to hold the meeting in another place, not at the border.

It is worth adding that the meeting of the governments of Poland and Ukraine will take place on March 28 in Warsaw. Meanwhile, the Polish authorities decided to include border crossings with Ukraine and certain sections of roads and railway tracks on the list of critical infrastructure. This will make it possible to remove obstacles at the border to supply weapons and humanitarian assistance.

In turn, Ukraine offers a five-step "Plan of mutual understanding," according to which Ukraine offers Poland to unblock the shared border.

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