Bundestag approves proposal on long-range weapons for Ukraine

The German Bundestag supported an arms proposal for Ukraine prepared by the ruling parties, which calls for long-range systems to be provided to the Ukrainian forces, Deutschlandfunk reports.

Supported by 382 MPs, the adopted document states that the coalition's parliamentary factions are in favor of providing Ukraine with "additional necessary long-range weapons and ammunition systems."

However, the proposal does not directly mention Taurus cruise missiles.

During the discussion, Defense Minister Borys Pistorius said that Ukraine could count on Germany's continued support, evidenced by the recently concluded security agreement.

Pistorius did not answer a question from CDU MP Hardt about the prospects of supplying Taurus.

"This is a matter of interpretation… The fact is that we have not drawn a red line on this issue," one of the MPs said.

The adopted proposal, in particular, states the following:

"Ukraine must continue to be able to attack military targets such as ammunition depots, supply lines and command posts far behind the front line, and be able to protect its soldiers from Russian attacks in the best possible way."

On May 27 last year, Ukraine made an official request to Germany to provide it with Taurus long-range cruise missiles.

In November, the manufacturer MBDA, which owns Taurus Systems, stated that it was able to increase production of missiles in the shortest possible time and integrate new technical achievements into them.

However, German MPs did not support the opposition's motion to demand that the government transfer Taurus strategic missiles to Ukraine.

Germany ordered 600 Taurus missiles for its air force in the early 2000s. However, according to media, the Bundeswehr currently has only 150 operational Taurus missiles.

The missiles, together with the French-British Storm Shadow already used by Ukraine, will allow long-range strikes on Russian military infrastructure in the occupied territory.

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