Ukraine receives dozens of Spanish M113 carriers to aid combat evacuations

Ukrainian forces receive new M113 armored personnel carriers to evacuate the wounded soldiers straight from the battlefield from Spain, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov says.

What is the problem?

Evacuation from the battlefield is the most difficult stage in combat, carried out by medics available in the medical units and by soldiers who are allocated by order of unit commanders.

To rescue the wounded from the battlefield, soldiers rely on armored medical vehicles, which greatly facilitate the evacuation under enemy fire. These vehicles increase the chances of getting the wounded to the staging areas in time.

What is the solution?

New M113 armored personnel carriers were delivered to Ukrainian forces to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield.

Photo: Ukraine's defense ministry

How does it work?

"Dozens of these evacuation armored vehicles have already arrived in Ukraine. Several hundred more are expected in the near future," the minister said.

Tracked vehicles have a much higher cross-country ability, so in off-road conditions, it is this kind of equipment that the army needs most.

Photo: Ukraine's defense ministry

In September 2023, Canada, which has 67 M113 armored personnel carriers, announced that it would dispose of them. However, a private company offered to repair them for Ukraine.

Canadian vehicles have armor that meets NATO standards, having kinetic ammunition to withstand artillery fragments and improvised explosive devices.

Photo: Telegram / FEDOROV

The vehicle can travel 50 to 150 kilometers, even with a flat tire, to evacuate the wounded to the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible.

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