Ukrainian forces down SU-34 and SU-35 bomber jets

The Ukrainian Air Force shot down two Russian aircraft on the eastern front, according to Commander Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Rubryka reports.

"This is our land and our sky! Thanks to everyone for their combat work! More to come!" he added.

Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Su-34 fighter-bomber and a Su-35S fighter. As clarified by Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi, the soldiers destroyed Russian aircraft that were striking Ukrainian positions with guided bombs.

In recent days, the Ukrainian military has shot down four Russian aircraft. For example, on February 18, the Armed Forces downed a Russian Su-34 fighter bomber in the east.

Previously, on February 17, the Ukrainian Air Force destroyed three Russian aircraft — two Su-34 fighter bombers and one Su-35 fighter —on the eastern front.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the start of the full-scale invasion and up to February 18, Ukrainian forces have destroyed 336 Russian aircraft.

Downing of Russian Su-34s

On December 22, Ukrainian forces destroyed three Su-34 aircraft on the southern front.

Later, the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yurii Ihnat noted that Su-34s have long been part of Russia's loss statistics. According to him, this aircraft is one of the newest in the Russian army's arsenal and can cost around $50 million.

Russian Su-34 bombers were likely shot down in the southern part of Ukraine by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, which was moved closer to the front, namely to the Kherson region.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov stated that the Ukrainian military had been "hunting" Russian Su-34 fighter bombers in the south for a long time.

On December 24, Ukrainian Air Defense Forces destroyed two Su-34 fighter bombers and a Su-30 jet.

Also, on January 30, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed a Russian Su-34 fighter in the Luhansk region.

More Russian aircraft have been lost only during the Prigozhin coup attempt. Then, during the entire war period, the "Wagnerites" were the first to down an Il-22, of which Russia had no more than ten units.

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