The US remains committed to its NATO allies, with the eastern flank in Europe significantly strengthened by the presence of American forces.
"And I believe, as I have said before, that NATO is the greatest military alliance that the world has ever had."
The Vice President recalled that Article 5 of the NATO Charter on collective defense was invoked only once after the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorist attack, "and NATO stood by the United States."
Нині НАТО – сильніше, ніж будь-коли, а його східний фланг у Європі значно посилений, зокрема присутністю американських сил. Однак європейські партнери також виконують свою частину зобов'язань і все частіше відповідають меті витрачати мінімум 2% ВВП на оборону.
Harris also assured that the White House would continue to work with Congress to help Ukraine.
Two years ago, she also took part in the Munich Conference, on the eve of Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine.
"Many thought Kyiv would fall in a matter of days. However, Ukraine's skill and courage, along with the leadership of President Zelenskyy and the U.S.-led coalition of 50 nations, have allowed Ukraine to achieve what many thought was impossible. Today, Kyiv is free and strong."
The war waged by Russian President Vladimir Putin has already become "an obvious failure for Russia. Ukraine has returned more than half of the territories seized by the enemy, and Russia has suffered significant losses.
"I welcome the EU's recent decision to provide $54 billion in support for Ukraine, in addition to the more than $100 billion that our European allies and partners have already committed."
The US commitment to its NATO allies is "central" to its approach to global security.
The day before, the US House of Representatives adjourned after discussions until February 28 without passing a bill on financial assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
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