Latvia donors donate 147 laptops to Ukrainian fund for people with disabilities

Ukrainian Arms Chamber fund donated equipment for digitalization to the Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

What is the problem?

Starting from the COVID pandemic and ending with war, Ukrainians were forced to switch to digital communications and start using various platforms to work, find more information on war and counter disinformation.

People with disabilities may still struggle with access to the internet and proper communications, so Ukrainian funds are ready to take this call into their hands.

What is the solution?

"Representatives of the Arms Chamber Charitable Foundation donated 147 computers and laptops and 12 monitors to the Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities and the State Enterprise "Information and Data Center of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine."

How does it work?

This is the second stage of the equipment transfer, carried out within the framework of cooperation between Ukraine's Ministry of Social Policy and Latvia's embassy.

The equipment will help improve access to services and resources needed to support people with disabilities.

Last year, the Social Policy Ministry and the National Social Service of Ukraine received 143 laptops and 63 displays.

The equipment was transported via the Automated System for Registration and Accounting of Humanitarian Aid, which can now be accessed by foreign charitable organizations with representative offices in Ukraine.

"Thanks to the quick registration in the Unified Register of Humanitarian Aid Recipients and the creation of an electronic declaration, the procedure for importing, accounting and distributing humanitarian aid, and thus crossing the border and transferring computer equipment, has become faster than before.

Before that, only charitable foundations and public organizations registered in Ukraine with certain areas of statutory activity could be included in the register. Now the list includes foreign charitable organizations whose representative offices are accredited in Ukraine," the statement said.

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