Фото: Скриншот з відео Оперативного командування "Захід" [en]Photo: Screenshot from the video of the West Operational Command
Rubryka reports, referring to a video published by the West Operational Command, that the 65th separate mechanized brigade's successful operation replenished the exchange fund.
Photo: Screenshot from the video of the West Operational Command
"Today,12 Russians from the 71st motorized rifle regiment were taken prisoner on the Zaporizhzhia front," military officials said.
The video footage shows the interrogation of the captive and the capture of Russian soldiers. During the interrogation, the occupier stated that Ukrainians were fighting "amazingly."
Photo: Screenshot from the video of the West Operational Command
Situation on Zaporizhzhia front
According to the General Staff, Ukrainian soldiers repelled a Russian attack to the west of Novopokrovka in the Zaporizhzhia region on February 12.
On February 4, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the front-line village of Robotyne and talked to Ukrainian soldiers.
The president visited the location of the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whose soldiers are performing tasks in the Zaporizhzhia region. Zelensky awarded them high state honors.
Rubryka also reported that Ukrainian troops captured almost 30 Russian occupiers in three days on the southern front.
Also, Ukrainian defenders from the 3017 military unit of the National Guard replenished the exchange fund with four Russian servicemen.
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