Ukrainian publishing house organizes charity fundraiser to donate books to children’s hospitals

The "Ranok" publishing house and the Ronald McDonald House Charities Foundation have launched a charitable campaign called "Gift a Book – Give Goodness."

According to the campaign organizers, the project aims to raise funding to fill Family Rooms in children's hospitals with interesting children's books, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

We dream that children grow up healthy and happy. When kids end up in the hospital, we do everything possible to help them forget about their illness for a while and enjoy time with their loved ones.

Children who have a serious illness need long-term treatment, and sometimes, it lasts not just for a month. The psychological state and the support of loved ones nearby are important factors in the rehabilitation of such children.

"Ranok" CEO Viktor Kruhlov introduced the idea of Book Giving Day in Ukraine when he returned to his homeland from studying abroad in 2018.

Thanks to him, Ukrainian book lovers received another holiday on February 14, and Ukrainian charitable organizations received an additional reason to do good.

What's the solution?

The  "Ranok" publishing house and the Ronald McDonald House Charities Foundation unveiled a joint fundraiser, "Gift a Book – Give Goodness."

Its goal is to fill Family Rooms in children's hospitals, which are cared for by the foundation, with interesting children's books.

The charitable campaign is held on the occasion of Book Giving Day, which is celebrated on February 14 in 30 countries worldwide.

How does it work?

If you want to support the initiative, go to the "Gift a Book – Give Goodness" section on the "Ranok" publishing house website, choose the donation amount, and submit your book donation.

Photo: Ranok Publishing House

Everyone who sends a book donation will receive a discount on their next purchase from the "Ranok" publishing house.

The funds raised will be used to purchase new children's books for Family Rooms.

What do we know about the Ronald McDonald House?

The Ronald McDonald House program in Ukraine has been implemented thanks to significant support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). McDonald's Ukraine, the founder and constant partner of the Ronald McDonald House Charities Foundation in Ukraine, will support the main new program financially and through the volunteer work of company employees.

The Ronald McDonald House is a home for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment away from home. Accommodation and meals there are free of charge. The Ronald McDonald House Charities is responsible for establishing such houses worldwide.

The first Ronald McDonald House was opened in Philadelphia in 1974 with proceeds from selling Shamrock Shake cocktails at McDonald's restaurants. There are already 381 such houses.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities Foundation in Ukraine has existed since 2016. During this time, the charity organization has founded and maintained six Ronald McDonald Family Rooms in major children's hospitals, started building the first Ronald McDonald House in Ukraine on the territory of the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt," held five conferences on family-centered medicine, purchased over 620 pieces of equipment for medical facilities, and distributed over 230,000 food kits.

As Rubryka reported, the family of the deceased fighter opened a bookstore in Vinnytsia in memory of their son.

Also, 11-year-old Zakhar from Donetsk found solace in promoting and supporting the Ukrainian language. He records audiobooks every day. Most of the money the boy donates to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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