Company news 12:55 13 Feb 2024

“Eco-conscious from the cradle”: BGV fund to distribute 43,000 sets of eco-diapers for kids in collaboration with partners

BGV Charity Fund, along with partners, is excited to announce the launch of a new charity project for children. This time, the project aims to support families with children aged 0 to 3. 

In collaboration with German partners dm-drogerie markt and #WeAreAllUkrainians, BGV fund has assembled 43,000 sets of eco-diapers for babies and toddlers. The logistical partner for the project, Nova Poshta, will deliver the assistance to families across Ukraine at their own expense.

Each package includes reusable diaper pants that can be washed and special changeable inserts attached with Velcro, ensuring effective absorption of a child's waste. The sets come in different sizes — S (3–8 kg), M (7–12 kg), and L (11–18 kg) — suitable for children of varying weights.

By providing these 43,000 families with a supply of eco-diapers, the charity fund aims to help them save money and reduce waste compared to conventional diapers.

Any family with children, regardless of their participation in previous BGV fund projects, can receive a diaper set. To do so, they need to fill out a brief online application on the official BGV Charity Fund website, providing information about the child and one of the parents, details for package delivery, and attaching a photo or scan of required documents, such as the child's birth certificate, the passport or ID card, and the individual tax number of one parent.

You can apply for assistance and learn more about the project here: bgvfund.org

Applications will be processed within a few weeks. If the family provided all information correctly, the fund's team will automatically confirm the application, and Nova Poshta will deliver the package. If the fund needs additional information, the representatives will reach the provided contacts to clarify the details.

As a reminder, within the previous five waves of the "Sets for children" project, 50,000 children received assistance from BGV Charity Fund and partners, including essential items such as diapers, household chemicals, care products, clothing, toys, and developmental books.

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