The Poltava City Council reported that.
What is the problem?
The digital education center is a safe space created for continuous access to education and psycho-emotional support for children.
"Nowadays, children are in a digitalized space from birth, so such Centers are specifically for modern children. Schoolchildren will be interested in learning here. Especially thanks to the Minecraft educational program. Thank you to UNICEF and "Light of Hope" for this Center," noted Kateryna Yamshchykova.
According to the school director, Tetiana Verkalets, this office was specifically designed to help students avoid burning out during their studies.
"Our goal for this office was to address academic setbacks and compensate for the psychological toll our children have endured. We aim to improve their emotional well-being, so the focus of this office is to create a conducive learning environment and minimize burnout," the woman said.
What is the solution?
According to Victoria Miroshnychenko, project manager of the "Light of Hope" charitable organization, this school is the only one in the Poltava region where a digital education center has been installed. Four more will operate in educational institutions in the Sumy region. The creation of the center was initiated by the United Nations Children's Fund "UNICEF" with the financing of the organization "GPE" ― "Global Partnership in the Field of Education."
How does it work?
This secondary school was chosen for the establishment of the Center because:
The center has the necessary devices (laptops, mice, headphones, interactive whiteboard, charging stations, 3-D printer, and other equipment) to teach children and compensate for their educational losses. In the classroom, teachers and facilitators will work with the students who have received appropriate training and use the latest approaches in education.
All children and teenagers in the city can use the digital education center for free, not just students from the Poltava General Education School of Grades I–III No. 38 of the Poltava City Council in the Poltava Region.
For reference:
The project is implemented by the team of the "Light of Hope" charitable organization with the support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Office in Ukraine and with the funds of the Global Partnership in Education (GPE).
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