12:44 10 Feb 2024

Ukraine's attack on Crimea airfield will degrade Russian activity near Black Sea – UK intelligence

Фото: Вікіпедія

Russian forces can now poorly coordinate air activity in the Black Sea region after the Ukrainian attackon the Belbek airfield in the occupied Crimea.

The UK intelligence reports, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a bunker of the Russian military's radar control coordination center. This achievement will increase the burden on the already stretched A-50 MAINSTAY fleet and on the depleted pool of trained Russian personnel capable of managing air operations.

Russian pilots and ground personnel are almost certainly suffering from combat fatigue.

Any further strikes on critical coordination hubs in Crimea are likely to increase the pressure, creating an increased likelihood of error or miscalculation.

According to Russian media, an unidentified missile hit the Belbek military airfield. The communication center of the Russian military unit 80159 was attacked there.

According to the spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Yurii Ihnat at least three enemy aircraft and personnel were hit at the Belbek airfield in Crimea during the attack.


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