Photo: open sources
This is evidenced by the results of the study "War and education. Two years of a full-scale invasion", which was presented by the International Charitable Foundation savED in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
According to sociologists, only 57-60% of pupils, parents, teachers, and school administration representatives believe that schoolchildren feel calm during the educational process.
Specifically, less than a third mention feeling "extremely peaceful and content." An additional 31-39% report that students experience both calmness and anxiety at an equal frequency.
How parents evaluate the emotional state of children
Among the surveyed students, 67% feel calm or very calm. However, the indicator for schoolgirls is much lower – 48%.
Students in western regions of Ukraine (65%) tend to feel better emotionally compared to those from central (54%) and northern regions. In contrast, only 52% of students from the frontline regions reported feeling better emotionally.
The study also shows that parents better assess children's emotional state than their children.
Photo: open sources
Thus, among male and female students, 37% had only positive emotions in the last two weeks at the time of the survey.
At the same time, 51% of parents thought their children had only positive emotions/feelings during this period.
When discussing specific emotions, the following are the most commonly experienced positive ones:
Do schoolboys and schoolgirls need psychological support?
According to 26% of students(32% among girls and 20% among boys) and according to 23% of parents, male and female students rather or very much need psychological or emotional support.
Of them, 4% and 2% speak confidently about such a need. Another 36% and 49% say there is no need, although they see some benefit from it.
Another 36% of girls and 49% of boys say that there is no extreme need for psychological help.
Out of the parents who felt that their child required psychological help, 37% mentioned that their child currently receives assistance. However, most of them turn to family members and friends instead of seeking the involvement of a psychologist.
88% of the administration representatives say their school has a psychologist. The same percentage of respondents also mentioned that any student can seek their services, while 73% confirmed that even teachers can seek counseling.
For reference:
It should be added that controlling emotions is not easy. And during the war, it is even more difficult. The internal and external pressures, concern for our loved ones, and constant anticipation of negative events can really take a toll on our mental well-being.
Rubryka figured out how to restore psychological resources during the war. Read in our material: "How to deal with emotional swings: looking for a resource despite the war."
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