To sign up for the date on the site, users need to answer short questions about their favorite desserts, snacks, or drinks for a comfortable time together.
Over 10,000 people used the site in the first week of its launch in 2022. Some couples found each other while using this service, and some started families.
"We know of at least two stories of lovers on our site who got married, and one of them is already raising a child. We are launching newer version of the dating site with updated questions and love predictions to unite even more people in their love of delicious food or just love," said Kateryna Oguryayeva, marketing director of Silpo supermarket chain.
Anastasia registered on the site for fun while waiting to meet her friend. She and her future husband Maksym shared a "spicy garlic" option match. The couple got married in January 2023 and now are raising their daughter Sofia.
"A few days after I wrote to Maksym, a full-scale war broke out. We lived in different cities, so it took us six months to meet. But even when we talked online, I felt that it was not for nothing. We told our family and friends about our meeting at the wedding," said Anastasia, a user of the dating site.
To sign up on the website, users have to answer seven test questions, such as choosing a date that will make their mood on a rainy day, picking board games, or watching a romantic movie. After answering the questions, the user receives a link to their Facebook profile and a photo of their date, which is at least 70% compatible.
The site sends a love prediction in a humorous way to help users find out who they are in a relationship as a food item.
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