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Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, and Takehiro Kano, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Japan to UNESCO, signed a $14.6 million financial agreement in support of Ukraine. With these funds, the Organization will intensify its actions on the ground to revive culture, education and the media. This agreement confirms Japan's role as UNESCO's leading donor for Ukraine's recovery.
"I warmly thank Japan for its continuous and strong commitment to UNESCO's work on the ground. These new funds will make it possible to act in Ukraine on a larger scale and faster towards restauration of cultural heritage, education and media," said Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO.
UNESCO projects that will be implemented in 2024 thanks to these funds include:
Numerous actions completed in 2023
In 2023, Japan had already provided $10M to UNESCO to support Ukraine in drawing up emergency plans to safeguard its heritage, support its education system and strengthen access to information through the media.
These initial funds enabled the training of over 200 cultural professionals in emergency measures and damage assessment, while managers of sites have received "heritage first-aid kits" to limit damage pending restoration. Over 7,000 school psychologists have also been trained in psychosocial support for Ukrainian schoolchildren, following the creation of a curriculum specifically designed to help educational staff support the well-being of students. UNESCO also trained 230 journalists in safety measures to strengthen their security on the ground, and provided financial grants to 200 journalists, at a time when the war has impacted their sources of income.
More than $66 million have been mobilized to date by UNESCO as part of its mandate in Ukraine.
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