British intelligence: Ukrainian air defense decreases accuracy of Russian airstrikes on Avdiivka

Due to constant threats from Ukrainian air defense, Russian fighter jets near the front-line city of Avdiivka are forced to launch munitions from a greater distance, which reduces their accuracy. 

Rubryka reports, citing the intelligence review of the UK Ministry of Defense as of February 8, that the Russian Federation continues attacks on the southeastern outskirts of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, where street battles are taking place.

The report noted that over the past two weeks, Russian forces may have rotated additional troops toward Avdiivka to increase pressure on Ukrainian positions. Ukraine continues to conduct counterattacks to secure the main supply route to the city.

In the last four weeks, about 600 guided aerial bombs have been released on Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka by tactical aviation.

Since February 5, 2024, Russian sorties have increased the number of strikes with guided aviation munitions from 30 to 50 per day, which is 66% more than in the past two weeks.

"However, Russian fighters are forced to launch munitions at the range, degrading their accuracy due to the continued threat of Ukrainian air defense," said the report.

According to Ukraine's General Staff, Ukrainian defenders continue to hold off the enemy on the Avdiivka front, which does not stop trying to encircle the city.

Russian troops are advancing on the city from several directions, having concentrated over 40,000 troops near it. Daily, the Russians lose 300-400 soldiers.

Downing of Russian Su-34s

On December 22, the Ukrainian military destroyed three Russian Su-34 fighter jets on the southern front.

Later, Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yurii Ihnat noted that Su-34 had long been included in Russia's loss statistics. According to him, this aircraft is one of the latest models in the Russian army and can cost around $50 million.

Russian Su-34 bombers were likely shot down in Ukraine's south by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, which was moved closer to the front, specifically to the Kherson region.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov stated that the Ukrainian military had been "hunting" Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in the south for a long time.

On December 24, the Air Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed two Su-34 and one Su-30 bomber jets.

Even more Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft were lost only during the Prygoshin mutiny. Then, during the entire war, "Wagnerites" became the first to shoot down an Il-22, of which Russia had no more than ten. During the march on Moscow, Wagnerites shot down the valuable and rare Il-22 aircraft of the Russian army, marking the first case of eliminating such aviation during the war.

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