Zaluzhnyi steps down, Syrskyi appointed commander-in-chief

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi as the new AFU chief, replacing Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

In a post on X, Zelensky earlier thanked the ex-chief for his two years of service and discussed possible replacements for the top job.

"Starting today, a new management team is taking over the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I want our soldiers in Robotyne and Avdiivka, the General Staff and the Chief of Staff to have the same vision of the war.

All of the generals are being considered for senior positions in the army and will serve under the leadership of the most experienced Ukrainian commander. He has successful experience in defense. He led the Kyiv defense operation. He also has a successful experience of offensive during the Kharkiv liberation."

In a recent interview for Italian media outlet Rai News, Zelensky confirmed that he was planning a large-scale reset of Ukraine's leadership that could involve several personnel shakeups beyond the military.

Zelensky lists eight main changes to be implemented in the AFU ranks.

  • A realistic, detailed action plan for 2024, taking into account the real situation on the battlefield now and the prospects.
  • Each combat brigade on the front line should receive effective Western weapons. There should be a fair redistribution of such weapons in favor of the first line of the front.
  • Logistical problems must be resolved. Avdiivka should not wait for generals to find out where their drones are stuck in their warehouses.
  • Every general must know his front. Excessive and unjustified staffing levels in the headquarters must be corrected.
  • An effective system of changing recruits in the army.
  • Improving the quality of training for soldiers.
  • Establishing the Unmanned Systems Forces unit. The first commander must be appointed.

Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi became one of the most recognizable faces of the Ukrainian military command during the full-scale war.

He was born in the village of Novyky, Russia. After Ukraine declared its independence, he began serving in the National Guard and later in the Armed Forces.

A December 2023 poll showed that Zaluzhnyi has a 92% trust rating, making him the country's most trusted military leader and that an overwhelming majority (72%) of Ukrainians would disapprove of him being replaced.

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