Russian forces shell front-line town of Selydove: one person killed, one child wounded

On the night of February 8, the Russian army shelled the town of Selydove in the eastern Donetsk region. 

The attack killed one person and injured seven others, according to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin, Rubryka reports.

"At least one person was killed, and seven were injured in the night shelling of Selydove. Among the wounded is a child born in 2017," he reported.


According to him, the Russians shelled the city seven times. The attack damaged seven multi-story buildings, three private houses, three educational institutions, an administrative building, and eight cars.


"These are only the preliminary known consequences. We are establishing the exact extent of the damage," said the head of the administration.


Russian shelling of populated areas in Donetsk region

Russian army constantly shells and bombs front-line areas in the Donetsk region.

Recently, on February 4, the Russian army shelled Toretsk in the Donetsk region, killing one person and injuring two.

On Saturday evening, February 3, Russian occupiers struck the city of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

During the night of January 31, the Russians launched a missile strike on the city of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region, injuring six people, one of whom was in critical condition.

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