Ukrainian intelligence hackers shut down Russian drone control program

Ukrainian intelligence team conducted a hacking operation to attack drone control software used by the Russian forces.

Russian troops install the above-mentioned program to reflash their DJI drones to meet the needs of combat operations.

The software allows to customize control panels, capture video and transmit the image to the command post, and control the drone from a computer (not via the remote control).

The drone reflashing project also uses web servers to ensure the functioning of the friend-or-foe system.

"According to preliminary data, as a result of a cyberattack, the servers stopped working, so all software is recognized as "foreign" and denies access. Without access to the servers, and therefore to the system, it is probably impossible to control the drones from the consoles."

Russian forces are currently trying to solve the problem, including by switching to manual control.

Cyber specialists of the Ukrainian military intelligence attacked the server, used for special communications.

Cyberattacks on Russian websites

Ukrainian intelligence are regularly attacking government agencies. The websites of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Roskomnadzor and Rosaviation were down. Large and state (propaganda) media outlets also stopped working due to "hacker" attacks.

Recently, the Ukrainian IT army paralyzed the Russian enterprise management system 1C-Rarus.

Hackers also shut down the Russian cloud service Bitrix24, which is used by the largest companies sponsoring Russia's war against Ukraine, including Rosneft.

Cyber units attacked the Russian tax system and managed to destroy the entire database and its backups: from now on, Russia will not be able to fully resuscitate its institution.

In January, a Ukrainian hacker group, probably with the support of the SSU, hacked into the Moscow-based Internet provider M9com and took down its servers.

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