Photo: Government portal
The Government portal reports this.
"Acquiring full membership in the Organization is one of our priorities. After all, this is a marker of Ukraine's readiness to join the EU and a signal to foreign companies that Ukraine is a promising country for investments," Denys Shmyhal emphasized.
Photo: Government portal
The Prime Minister thanked Mathias Kormann for the approved OECD program for Ukraine and emphasized that the Government has improved state functions, despite Russia's aggression, and demonstrates a high ability to carry out reforms. This, in turn, was noted in the Organization.
"Our partners emphasized the progress achieved, despite the war, in such areas as public administration, digitalization, the fight against corruption, and the simplification of permit procedures. Introducing a graded system of payment for civil servants was noted as an important step in public administration reform. We are continuing the corporate reform," said the head of government.
In addition, Denys Shmyhal asked the OECD to assist in developing international recommendations on confiscating such assets, because he is convinced that Russia's frozen and seized assets should become a key source for the reconstruction of Ukraine.
The Prime Minister thanked the OECD team for strong support at the international level and assistance in implementing reforms.
For reference:
From 2022 to 2023, and as of the beginning of August, the Security Service of Ukraine seized the assets of Russian business people financing the war, worth almost 190 billion hryvnias.
In addition, the assets of Russian oligarchs are being seized abroad:
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