Photo: Recycle
Rubryka explains how Recycle works.
What is the problem?
"These are difficult times for Ukraine, and in my opinion, the issue of ecology is always timely. Thanks to the Recycle application, every person can sort waste at home, thereby contributing to the cleanliness of the environment," says the owner and CEO of Recycle, a young entrepreneur and mother of two, Ksenia Ustymenko.
Ksenia Ustymenko, owner and CEO of Recycle / Photo: Recycle
What is the solution?
It took two years to go from an idea to a successful startup. Currently, the Recycle service is operating in Kyiv, with plans to expand to other cities in the future. The Recycle app can be found and downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.
A team of managers and developers accompanies its work.
How does it work?
How to order waste removal
Ordering the removal of sorted waste at Recycle is as easy as ordering a taxi. To do this, a person needs to create an order in the application and add a photo and description using the prompts.
Recycle couriers accept only waste that can be recycled in Ukraine. The list and detailed instructions are in the application.
Photo: Recycle
The next step is to decide on the price a person is willing to pay for removal.
The app features a cost calculator for orders, allowing clients to propose their desired payment to the courier. The courier also has the option to offer their own reward. Once the courier arrives to collect the package, they will then transport it to a designated location for recycling materials.
Also, the application has two more interesting options for the client: free removal and purchase of waste by courier. To do this, it is necessary to accumulate sufficient waste to make it profitable for the courier to make money on resale at the reception point.
Where couriers take sorted waste
Couriers pick up waste from the client and deliver it to specialized recycling points that Recycle has verified. From there, it is taken for processing.
Each reception point has its own price for sorted raw materials. That is, it is profitable for the courier to hand over the waste because, in this way, he receives additional profit.
Furthermore, Recycle has implemented a system to monitor the performance of their couriers. With this system, the courier is required to send a photo or video report to the Recycle manager for each delivery they make to a designated drop-off location. If the courier fails to comply with this requirement, their partnership with Recycle will be terminated.
Map of recycling points for everyone
Recycle also has a social component.
"Right in the application, we created a map of points that accept recyclables in different districts of Kyiv. Soon, there will be points in other cities in Ukraine. And anyone can use this map if they want to hand in recyclables themselves and get paid for it," says Ksenia Ustymenko, CEO of Recycle.
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