Solutions from Ukraine: Vinnytsia students create vitamin kits to support defenders

In the Vinnytsia region, residents and students of the local lyceum in the village of Kordelivka make vitamin kits for the military, which are then delivered to the front through volunteers.

The Kalynivska City Council reported this.

What is the problem?

"Our fellow villager Viktor Pidoprihora contacted us and asked for help manufacturing dry vitamin kits for Ukrainian defenders. The man had an idea, apples, a dryer, but there were not enough workers," said Lyceum director Oksana Smuk.

What is the solution?

In the village of Kordelivka, located in the Vinnytsia region, the residents and students of the lyceum are preparing together vitamin kits for Ukrainian soldiers. These kits are then transported to the frontlines by volunteers.

Photo: Kalynivska City Council

The sets include dried:

  • apples,
  • bananas,
  • dried apricots
  • raisins,
  • nuts.

Photo: Kalynivska City Council

How does it work?

"We immediately agreed to help. Representatives of the student self-government took up the matter, and we allocated a special room for them, where they dried apples and packed bags," adds the director of the Lyceum.

Photo: Kalynivska City Council

She said Viktor Pidoprihora later brought another dryer and an apple slicer. But they decided not to stop at apples alone.

Students and parents brought walnuts. Also, every month, the school collects funds in a box for the needs of the Armed Forces. Dried apricots, raisins, and banana chips were bought with these funds.

Photo: Kalynivska City Council

"We have already produced two batches of such vitamin kits, about 60-70 pieces each. All of them were given to volunteers and sent to the front line. We also gave such kits to our employee's son, who is protecting our land. We are planning to produce another batch of vitamins. This time apples, our colleague Liudmila Rudyk promised to provide us," Oksana Smuk noted.

Photo: Kalynivska City Council

For reference:

It should be noted that Vinnytsia lyceum students are growing microgreens as part of the "Smart Garden" project. This project is a way to teach schoolchildren agricultural skills and a charitable contribution of Vinnytsia youth to Ukraine's armed forces.

Rubryka also reported that in the Zhytomyr region, five local women prepare and deliver homemade food for the Armed Forces through volunteers.

Previously, Rubryka wrote about Zhytomyr volunteers who prepared and sent a ton of Olivier salad to the front.



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