The information can be found on the website of Transparency International Ukraine.
Since the Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine has scored a total of 11 points over 10 years; this is the largest increase among the current EU candidate countries. However, we are still below the indicators of the European Union members.
Among the EU candidate countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index, Ukraine (36 points, 104th) and Moldova (42 points, 76th) scored the most over the past year— +3 points.
North Macedonia scored 2 points (42 points, 76th), while Montenegro (46 points, 63rd), Albania (37 points, 98th), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (35 points, 108th) scored 1 point each. Serbia's results for 2023 did not change (36 points, 104th). Georgia, however, lost 3 points (53 points, 49th). Turkey closes the list of candidate countries, having lost 2 points (34 points, 115th).
In the dynamics over 10 years, Moldova improved its results by 7 points, Albania scored 6 points, and Georgia, having lost 3 points this year, scored 4 points in total in 10 years. Turkey has lost as many as 16 points over the decade.
The average score of the European Union countries is 64 points. Denmark has the highest result (90 points, 1st), and Hungary has the lowest (42 points, 76th). Bulgaria (45 points, 67th), Romania (46 points, 63rd), and Greece (49 points, 59th) are close to us in terms of points.
This study covers both the pre-war and the wartime period of Ukraine, from February 2021 to September 2023. It is during the war that the country had a significant increase in the indicator. In this time, key events took place: the intensification of arrests and investigations in high-profile corruption cases, the development of the State Anti-Corruption Program, carrying out most procurement transactions on Prozorro. However, the resumption of e-declaration and political parties reporting, legislative strengthening of the NABU and the SAPO did not make it into the studied period. In addition, part of the 2023 corruption scandals and January cases of pressure on journalists, as well as defense scandals, were not included the study period.
"This result speaks of 3 facts. The first is that Ukraine has demonstrated a good result this year and progressive dynamics over 10 years. Now we have formally reached the indicators of the EU candidate countries, notes Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of TI Ukraine. Fact Two: we have developed an anti-corruption ecosystem from scratch and already have real sentences for high-profile corruption, but we still need to work hard to catch up with the performance of the EU countries. And finally, if cases of pressure on journalists and members of the public continue, if the authorities interfere in various spheres of public administration, and the anti-corruption reform stalls, we might lose our achievements very quickly," Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of TI Ukraine, sums up the results of the study.
Therefore, this year, we suggest 3 comprehensive steps that will help improve the level of anti-corruption and contribute to the European integration processes of Ukraine in 2024.
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