A citizen, who was traveling from Ukraine to Romania on private business, arrived at the customs control zone of the Porubne-Siret checkpoint.
"For customs control, the man chose the "green corridor" lane, which testified that he was not moving goods subject to declaration."
When customs officers conducted the inspection, they found archeological items, such as elements of horse harness, jewelry, equal crosses, household items, and elements of Byzantine glass.
These items are prohibited for export outside the customs territory of Ukraine. The found archeological items in the amount of 124 pieces were seized.
Ukrainian border guards prevented the export of a collection of old banknotes and postage stamps to Poland.
"A 37-year-old German citizen was traveling to a neighboring country by train. During the inspection, the inspectors found 13 banknotes issued in 1908-1933, 4 banknotes dated 1923 and 30 postage stamps."
The foreigner had hidden the banknotes and stamps among his personal belongings.
The collection, which may be of cultural and historical value, was seized and is being examined.
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