Solutions to win: Chernivtsi volunteer sends hand-made drones to Ukrainian troops

Violetta Oliynyk, a 28-year-old volunteer from Chernivtsi, started creating drones at home, which she then sent to the military at the front.

She is lost in her passion to help her father and brother defend Ukraine in trenches.

What is the problem?

Increasing the production of strike and reconnaissance drones is vital for Ukraine, as it is much cheaper, and Ukraine will not depend on other manufacturers.

The Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov called on Ukrainians to join the project of assembling FPV drones at home.

Anyone who helps purchase or assemble drones makes fighting easier for soldiers. Helping the military is not a favor but a sacred duty of every citizen.

What is the solution?

Violetta Oliynyk, a 28-year-old volunteer from Chernivtsi, started creating drones at home, which she then sent to the military at the front.

How does it work?

Violetta quickly completed the course and started crafting the drones needed at the front.

It takes a day to assemble one drone. After that, she has to set it up using a special program on a computer, build communication transmission, etc.


Violetta creates both bomber and kamikaze drones. The second type is slightly smaller, but the details are very similar. She managed to assemble 14 such drones in a short time.

Her 82-year-old grandfather actively helps her. He also has military experience and even tried to join the military, but because of his age, he stayed in the rear to help the soldiers.


Before the war, she worked as a jewelry artist and created various pieces. Now she has added volunteering to this hobby.

She raffles off the items she creates on social media, and the money is used to purchase parts for future drones.


"Before the war started, I was engaged in art, doing performances in Chernivtsi, creating jewelry. I had nothing to do with military affairs. But for more than a year and a half I have been volunteering: raising funds, buying things for the front and assembling drones. My grandfather helps me. He is a very active volunteer."

"Assembling a drone is not difficult. First of all, it requires tools: a soldering iron, double-sided tape, wire cutters, and solder. I mostly order all the parts in China. If the guys at the front need the drone urgently, the parts can be bought in Ukraine, but it is more expensive."

A kamikaze drone with a battery costs almost $450, and a bomber drone costs about $500.

The military has already approved the drones the 28-year-old is assembling and asked her to send more. She also called on people who have the opportunity to join in.

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