Japan's financial assistance in January consists of a grant of $89.8 million under the Ukraine Agriculture Recovery Inclusive Support Emergency (ARISE).
The financial assistance also includes a $300 million loan under the Investing in Social Protection for Inclusion, Resilience, and Efficiency (INSPIRE) project.
"I am grateful to the World Bank and the Government of Japan for their strong financial support for Ukraine. The funds raised will be used to compensate the State Budget of Ukraine for priority needs, in particular in the areas of recovery and social assistance," said finance minister Serhii Marchenko.
The INSPIRE project is funded by a $1.2 billion loan from the World Bank with the support Japan, and aims to ensure the social protection of vulnerable populations during and after the war, and to strengthen the adaptability of the social support system to respond to current and future challenges effectively.
The ARISE project aims to support agricultural producers' access to finance through concessional loans and grants.
Japan plans to allocate $37 million to help Ukraine, which will be used to purchase drone detection systems.
With the support of the government, 25 hospitals in Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Sumy, Dnipro, Kirovohrad, and Cherkasy regions have received medical equipment in January.
Earlier, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that Japan is ready to provide additional funds to support Ukraine worth $4.5 billion.
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