The navy adds that this is not the first enemy loss in this brigade, as Ukraine managed to damage a small missile ship of the Samum project 1239.
"Search and rescue operations are currently underway. Given the staffing of 40 sailors, the consequences of the reduction of the Russian ship's personnel are also significant."
On the night of February 1, Ukrainian intelligence officers destroyed the Ivanovets missile boat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, worth $70 million.
The Russian vessel was on a raid on Lake Donuzlav in the occupied Crimea.
After a number of direct hits to the hull, the ship sustained damage incompatible with further movement, so it heeled to the stern and sank.
On January 18, a Russian Project 205P patrol ship, the Tarantul, sank in the occupied Sevastopol of the Crimean peninsula.
Explosions are frequent in Crimea, as Ukrainian troops have already conducted dozens of operations on the peninsula and in the Black Sea, destroying Russian bases, warehouses and ships.
In October 2022, the maritime drones attacked Russian Black Sea Fleet ships in Sevastopol Bay, damaging the Admiral Makarov frigate.
On December 26, 2023, the Ukrainian forces attacked the large amphibious assault ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Novocherkassk near Feodosia.
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