Ukrainian army chief names three main goals to withstand Russia’s war this year

The AFU chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi outlined three main goals to focus on during the war in his article for CNN.

The Second World War drew to a close almost 80 years ago, but its legacy in defining the strategic vision of war persists to this day.

Whatever remarkable advances there have been in the fields of aviation, missile technology and space-based assets, for instance, the concept of victory remains unchanged: to destroy the enemy and to capture or liberate territory.

According to Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine should focus its main efforts on three areas:

  • Establishing a system for providing Ukrainian forces with high-tech means.
  • Introduction of a new philosophy of training and combat operations that takes into account the limitations in the means and methods of their use.
  • Mastering new combat capabilities as soon as possible.

The Commander-in-Chief believes that Ukraine already has the capabilities to destroy the enemy and ensure the existence of its statehood.

"Our goal must be to seize the moment – to maximize our accumulation of the latest combat capabilities, which will allow us to commit fewer resources to inflicting maximum damage on the enemy, to end the aggression and protect Ukraine from it in the future."

On November 1 last year, Zaluzhnyi spoke in an interview with the Economist about the situation at the front after more than a year and a half of full-scale war.

In his column, he stated that Russia's war is entering a stage of "positional" struggle with static and exhausting battles, which requires high technology to win.

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