Finally, home: 207 soldiers and civilians return to Ukraine from Russian captivity

Ukraine has negotiated and brought back 207 soldiers and civilians from Russian captivity, Rubryka reports, citing President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Ukrainian leader stated on social media, "Our people are home. 207 guys," Rubryka reports.

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

"We're bringing them back despite everything. We remember each and everyone in captivity. Soldiers and civilians. We must bring them all back. We're working on it," he said

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

He praised the job by the Ukrainian team of Defense Intelligence Chief Budanov, Head of President's Office Yermak, Deputy Intelligence Chief Usov, Security Service Chief Maliuk, and Interior Minister Klymenko. "Well done!" the president.

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

According to the Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner, Dmytro Lubinets, the 50th exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russia took place today.

"The guys who heard the voices of their loved ones after a long time today were overwhelmed with emotions. Families waiting for their fathers, sons, and brothers also reacted emotionally to the calls," Lubinets said and added that the soldiers would now have rest and rehabilitation.

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

As reported by the Head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, among the Ukrainians who returned home are servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard, State Border Guard Service, as well as the National Police — privates, sergeants, and officers. Among the soldiers were defenders of Mariupol who were at "Azovstal," Zmiinii Island, and those who fought on various fronts.

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

What we know about the latest exchange of prisoners of war

The Coordination Headquarters for Dealing with Prisoners of War stated that the exchange that took place on January 3 was the largest in terms of the number of released defenders.

Among the released 230 Ukrainians, there were, in particular, six civilians who were illegally deprived of their liberty.

During the full-scale war, 2,828 Ukrainians have been released from Russian captivity, and this process will continue.

Ukraine has stated that places of detention for Russian prisoners of war are overcrowded.

The Coordination Headquarters reported at the end of November that Russia had suspended exchanges of prisoners to influence Ukrainian society.

Earlier, Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets stated that many Russian prisoners of war want to return home, but Russia ignores their requests and refuses to exchange them with Ukraine.

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