Фото: 69th Sniffing Brigade
The batch has two case-evacs, and 180 drones, intended for Ukrainian troops who are performing tasks directly on the front line.
Photo: 69th Sniffing Brigade
This is the 25th vehicle convoy since the beginning of the full-scale war. It all started with the initiative of Ragnar Sass, an Estonian entrepreneur, founder of Lift99 and Pipedrive, who united his friends and business partners around the idea of purchasing vehicles for the Ukrainian forces.
The initiative was called the Freedom Convoy.
Photo: 69th Sniffing Brigade
On March 24, 2022, the first 14 cars arrived in Ukraine. After, the 69th sniffing team appeared, a team of the LIFT99 startup community.
It is part of the global online community NAFO (North Atlantic Fella Organization), which fights Russian propaganda and disinformation and raises money to support the Ukrainian army.
Photo: 69th Sniffing Brigade
More than 10,000 donors from 70 countries joined the fundraising for the 25th convoy, which is the largest in the initiative's history.
This helped raise more than €500,000 dollars and purchase the vehicles, drones, and other necessary equipment.
Photo: 69th Sniffing Brigade
"We realize that helping Ukraine is not a sprint, but a long marathon. However, with such great people and the NAFO community, Ukraine will definitely win," said organizer Ragnar Sass.
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