
14 Ukrainian doctors start internship in Germany to boost rehabilitation of veterans

Over the course of 30 days, 14 specialists from various healthcare institutions in Ukraine will learn from the experience of leading clinics in Frankfurt, Ludwigshafen, Berlin, Halle, Hanover, and Murnau.

What is the problem?

The development of rehabilitation techniques is one of Ukraine's priorities. To improve the quality of services, the Ministry of Health signed memorandums with six multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers of excellence. They are the center of best practices in rehabilitation care and a training base for specialists from multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams from across the country.

This will significantly improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation of victims with war trauma, which is extremely important both for civilians who suffer from constant shelling and soldiers at the front.

Photo: Ukraine's health ministry

What is the solution?

The project aims to familiarize Ukrainian doctors and rehabilitation specialists with modern approaches to human recovery and the organization of multidisciplinary teams.

Ukrainian team will have a unique opportunity to adopt the best practices of their foreign colleagues and gain invaluable experience in order to apply the acquired skills.

Photo: Ukraine's health ministry

How does it work?

The internship takes place in the format of a hospitalization when Ukrainian doctors are admitted to the "cuisine" of the medical institution and have the opportunity to observe every step of the foreign teams and the work of the departments.

Photo: Ukraine's health ministry

Photo: Ukraine's health ministry

Doctors from the rehabilitation teams of military hospitals have been invited, making it 72 Ukrainian specialists to acquire new competencies between November 2023 and April 2024.

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